
Comment on Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s (ISED) consultation on the Policy, Licensing and Technical Framework for Supplemental Mobile Coverage by Satellite (SMCS)

OSI Fellows and Junior Fellows submitted this comment in response to ISED’s proposed framework for the allocation of certain radio frequency bands to mobile services coverage via satellite, with the intention of highlighting the potential threats to radio and optical astronomy that could come from these satellites.

This comment was further endorsed by the President of the Canadian Astronomical Society – Société Canadienne d’Astronomie (CASCA), the Executive Director of the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA), and astronomers from across Canada.

Response to the CSA Request for Consultation on a Framework for Future Space Exploration

Aaron Boley and Sam Lawler have submitted a report and recommendations concerning the impacts of satellite mega-constellations on astronomy.

Upon signing the Artemis Accords, the Government of Canada announced a consultation process on a framework for space exploration. As per the call, “The Government of Canada is seeking views from industry, academia, non-governmental groups, and the general public to expand, refine, and solidify this framework to help ensure safe and sustainable space exploration for decades to come.”

The OSI’s response can be viewed here (link), which calls for a commitment to full multilateral negotiations, emphasizes the need for Canada to urgently develop its position on space exploration activities, and highlights several areas where Canada can take leadership roles.

Outer Space Institute

Outer Space Institute
The University of British Columbia
225-6224 Agricultural Rd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


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